tiny notes


Hey there, my name is maique.

Iā€™m a geeky photographer, who toots.

Iā€™m married to movieStar and we have a baby daughter, tinyMovieStar. Iā€™m VERYĀ lucky!

Looking for photos? Sureā€¦ I have some photos on Flickr, thereā€™s a sort of life log on Instagram, and, if youā€™re looking for an official site, youā€™ll find one at maiquemadeira.com.

Oh, and you can read ā€˜maiqueā€™ as ā€˜mikeā€™. Thatā€™s how it sounds when a Portuguese reads itā€¦

Home is sweet and sunny Lisbon.
Home is also the lovely island of PrĆ­ncipe.


If youā€™d like to get in touch, even if itā€™s just to say hi, you can do that on Mastodon.

Privacy minded folks can reach out on Signal.

Email is also cool, you can use maique [@] omg [.] lol for that.


If you enjoy the content Iā€™m sharing, either here or on the photo social sites, feel free to help support my extravagant lifestyle.


I will thank you forever.

If youā€™re looking for copies of some of my photos, youā€™ll find them at theShop. Let me know if the one youā€™re looking for is missing.

I am also offering photo walks around Lisbon, do let me know if youā€™d like to join them.


This site is hosted at Scribbles, a great blogging platform created by Vincent.

Analytics, kudos, and uptime monitoring made possible by Tinylytics, another cool service by Vincent Ritter.

Thanks for visiting.