tiny notes
January 19th, 2024

📦 Watch Day

I’m ordering a watch today.

Not for me, mind you, this one is a gift.

Casio F-91W
Casio F-91W

movieStar is going to the island for a week at the end of February, and we’re staying behind. No way, or reason, to afford our very expensive airplane tickets this time around.

She wanted to get a gift for Manuel, one of our friends there, and one of the possibilities was a watch. An automatic would be ideal (as watch batteries are hard to come by on the island), but they are expensive. Also, she believes a digital display will be easier to read.

So: cheap + long battery life + digital.

My mind immediately went to The Terrorist Timepiece.

The simple, cheap and effective plastic watch is likely one of the most ubiquitous timepieces on the planet, with an estimated three million produced each year since sometime in the early 1990s.

€19,90 on the official Casio Store. Perfect.